INFO-ATARI16 Digest Wed, 8 Nov 89 Volume 89 : Issue 618 Today's Topics: archive sites atari ABC yea or nay ???? European software purchase procedure from the U.S.A. index Spectre in a Mac Environment WordPerfect ST vs. version 5.0 (2 msgs) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 8 Nov 89 15:37:27 GMT From:!samsung!xanth!! (Tad Guy) Subject: archive sites In article (Scott Yelich) writes: >In article <> (Sam Alan EZUST) writes: >> does anyone know why xanth's atari directory is empty? > > because the people here who would set-up automatic archiving for > the network all own amigas. Umm, actually, the ``atari'' directory on xanth isn't for automatic archiving, but is for ``special'' Atari stuff. From the README: > /atari Public access to outgoing Atari computer related items. > This directory is Scott's area to put in whatever he wants, not a space for an automatic archive (which would appear under the /usenet directory on xanth). In article (Scott Yelich) writes: > because the people here who would set-up automatic archiving for > the network all own amigas. Scott implies that the ST owners who are in a position to create an automatic archive on xanth are unwilling to do so (this may be true). However, Scott's comment shouldn't be interpreted as the Amiga folk are preventing such an archive (this is not true). Since the articles in comp.?sources,binaries? have the correct aux headers, it's easy to make xanth start automatic archiving of that group. Is it justified? I don't want xanth to become ``yet another archive site''; it should primarily contain stuff that isn't easily found elsewhere. If there's already an ftp-reachable automatic archive of comp.* in the US, is another needed? If there's not one already, then perhaps one is needed... ...tad PS: By automatic archive, I mean an archive where no person is involved in placing the files in the archive -- it's all done directly from the aux headers in the moderator's postings. This guarantees that the files in the archive have the names the moderator intended for them, but what the archiver wanted. ------------------------------ Date: 7 Nov 89 19:06:37 GMT From:!samsung!aplcen!jhunix! (Ajay Choudhri) Subject: atari ABC yea or nay ???? >decided on one of two models, > 1)ATARI ABC > 2)AMSTRAD 2086 >please send me as much info on the atari ABC (if it indeed exists,as my dealer >assures me!!) > > again any help would be appreciated, Well I had no idea such a macine existed, especially not in the US, as per reliability, it seems Atari ,makes very good machines(I have owned six of them) and I have never had a problem(I abuse them too!) -if you get any info on this Atari ABC, please post it when you get it. -Ajay CHoudhri ********* !uunet!mimsy!aplcen!jhunix!ins_bac ************ ZZ ------------------------------ Date: 08 NOV 89 09:36:45 CST From: Z4648252 Subject: European software purchase procedure from the U.S.A. With the arrival of European ST magazines in the U.S., a Stateside STer cannot help but marvel over the ST software and hardware in Europe. How I wish that our selections of peripherals and programs could approach that of Europe's. Many of the European ads offer to sell product internationally but don't give the procedure: 1) Do we convert $$$ to European currency? 2) Is there an airmail option rather than ocean mail? 3) Is there an internation reply coupon option? Secondly, what about American duty charges? Finally, why is it that the more polished European ST magazines are CHEAPER than the U.S. magazines? Example, the U.S. STart Magazine costs $14.95 with diskette. The British ST magazine, Atari ST User costs $7.97 with diskette from my dealer. Even with duty, if charged, the cost to me is 50% less than the American magazine with diskette. I'd assume that advertising is the key, lowering ST User's cost. At any rate, it is great seeing European magazines here in the STates at a regular basis. I only wish that [CENSOR...ATARI BASH...CENSOR].. Larry Rymal: |East Texas Atari 68NNNers| ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 08 Nov 89 16:44 From: Roland Waldi Subject: index Roland Waldi Universitaet Karlsruhe DESY Inst. fuer Exp. Kernphysik F15 Physikhochhaus, P.O.Box 6980 Notkestr. 85 D-7500 Karlsruhe D-2000 Hamburg 52 Tel. (721)-608-3586 (40)-8998-3637 BD05 at DKAUNI2.BITNET F15WAL at DHHDESY3.BITNET > send index I have no index ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 08 Nov 1989 08:53 EST From: Greg Csullog <01659%AECLCR.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU> Subject: Spectre in a Mac Environment At my workplace, there are little dominions of microcomputing. One building is dominated by Atari STs, others are dominated by PCs, others have nice mixes of Macs, STs and PCs and one in particular is the mecca for Mac enthusiasts. Nestled neatly in the Mac mecca are 4 1040STs that sit as front ends to a VAX based graphics system (I/O is via UNITERM). I trundled by and plugged Spectre GCR into one of the STs and lo and behold, Mac users started drifting in with floppies trying to find a Mac application that would not run on the lowly (that's their opinion, not mine) ST. After a full day on disk-in, disk-out, click-click and ooo-ahs, Mac users were finally convinced that YES, Spectre GCR is for real and YES it does a great job of running MacWare (Gee!, the screen looks so much bigger!). Having seen VersTerm Pro, Cricket Draw and Graph, MacDraw II, MacDraft, Word 4.0, Excel 1.5, FileMaker +, MicroSoft Chart, StatWorks, SuperPaint, etc. run on the ST, most Mac users agreed that an ST with GCR would fit in nicely with a Mac environment. ------------------------------ Date: 7 Nov 89 16:25:29 GMT From: cbmvax! (Peter Cherna) Subject: WordPerfect ST vs. version 5.0 In article <891106.09014497.067340@SFA.CP6> Z4648252@SFAUSTIN.BITNET (Z4648252) writes: > > A question was asked regarding how the ST version of WordPerfect compared >to version 5.0 for other systems: IBM and Amiga. WordPerfect on the Amiga is of the 4.1.something level (they just released a new maintenance update). I suspect that the features/behavior of the Amiga version are very similar in level to the version on the ST. > The current WordPerfect ST has always approached version 5.0 in features >and is more flexible than version 4.1 for the IBM. Yup. Sounds like the one we have for the Amiga. > We have the ability to use our accessories which is a feature not >existing for the IBM version or the Amiga These two versions >have to use libraries supplied by WordPerfect to give an accessory type >world. Both the Mac versions (version and ST versions allow real >pull down menus or key commands. Currently, the IBM and Amiga versions >don't allow this without optional third party add-ons. The Amiga version has _ALWAYS_ supported pull-down menus and key equivalents. No third party product is necessary. Please don't confuse Amigas and IBM's ( ever! :-) ). Desk-accessories are a concept needed on NON-MULTITASKING systems only. Essentially, a desk-accessory is a "generally small" program that agrees to abide by a few more restrictions than a full program, in exchange for being able to co-exist (i.e. take over from, and then return to) a "full" application. Since day one, the Amiga has multitasked, meaning that in general any combination of programs may be run together (memory permitting) without any special code required. In other words, an Amiga owner can run anything (paint programs, spreadsheets, databases, etc.) while WordPerfect is up. In fact, I can run a ray-tracing in the background while I am writing in WordPerfect, without ever having to suspend one or the other. Not a flame: Both the ST and Amiga suffer from an abundance of misinformation. Let's try to keep the level of incorrect assumptions down in our respective communities. >DISCLAIMER: I don't work for WordPerfect, Gadgets by Small, or > Ashton Tate, but sure wish I had the brains to do so.... > > >Larry Rymal: |East Texas Atari 68NNNers| --- Peter Cherna, Software Engineer, Commodore-Amiga, Inc. ?uunet|rutgers?!cbmvax!peter My opinions do not necessarily represent the opinions of my employer. "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." - Albert Einstein A personal observation: "Claiming the latter hardly proves the former." ------------------------------ Date: 7 Nov 89 20:34:23 GMT From: (R'ykandar Korra'ti) Subject: WordPerfect ST vs. version 5.0 /*Line eater death ray - ZAP!*/ A few corrections about the state of WordPerfect. In article <891106.09014497.067340@SFA.CP6> Z4648252@SFAUSTIN.BITNET (Z4648252) writes: > A question was asked regarding how the ST version of WordPerfect compared >to version 5.0 for other systems: IBM and Amiga. The Amiga version of WordPerfect is version 4.1.11. It, like the Atari WP version, is actually a combination of 4.1, 4.2, and 5.0. > We have the ability to use our accessories which is a feature not >existing for the IBM version or the Amiga These two versions >have to use libraries supplied by WordPerfect to give an accessory type >world. Both the Mac versions (version and ST versions allow real >pull down menus or key commands. Currently, the IBM and Amiga versions >don't allow this without optional third party add-ons. Wrong. 1) The Amiga is multitasking. It does not require anything similar to a desk accessory; simply start a second programme. It will load into memory and be running _at the same time_ as WP is running; _all_ programmes work this way on _any_ multitasking OS; even OS/2 :-) 2) The Amiga version of WP most certainly has pull-down menus, file requesters, etc; I use them all the time, having never really liked WP's key choices for its commands. - R'ykandar. -- | R'ykandar Korra'ti, Editor, LOW ORBIT | | CIS 72406,370 | | Elfinkind, Unite! | phoenix@ukma.bitnet | PLink: Skywise | QLink: Bearclaw | ------------------------------ End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 Issue #618 ***************************************** =========================================================================